Mix yeast and sugar in ½ cup warm water. Let rest for 10 minutes until mixture bubbles.
Place flour and salt in a large bowl, pushing flour to one side. Pour remaining 1½ cups warm water, oil and yeast mixture into empty side of bowl.
Knead flour into water until well blended and dough is smooth (add extra water or flour if needed).
Brush sides of bowl with 1 Tbsp. oil and roll dough in oil so entire surface is covered. (Prevents sticking and cracking)
Cover with plastic wrap and towel and let rest in a warm place (ie. oven at low temp) for approximately 1½ hours, until double in size.
Divide dough into grapefruit-size balls.
Roll lightly in flour, cover with plastic wrap and tea towel and let rest on table for 30 minutes.
Pat with finger tips into 8" rounds of ½" thickness
Place on cookie sheet and bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees for approximately 10-15 minutes until lightly browned. If tops do not brown, place under broiler for 1-2 minutes.
Brush tops with cool water to keep soft.